Friday, August 29, 2008

Good Friday!

I had a lot of fun today and made a good amount of progress on my collage. I am now on the construction part of it. I would like to get it done and ship it out by Tuesday at the latest. Well, I said in my earlier post that I would be happy if I could get a picture of a hummingbird. My wish came true although I really would like to get one that was more in focus. I saw him from the window and snuck up on him. I was surprised he was here for so long and didn't get spooked this time. He buzzed around for awhile then sat on the sunflowers just enough time for me to get a shot:) After taking a few pictures of him I noticed a monarch butterfly on the orange cosmos and was in heaven instantly, as I followed him around before he disappeared. Great day for photo opportunities!! I am going to Colfax for a day this weekend and am hoping to get some great shots while I am there too. Hopefully some deer and if I am lucky a mountain lion or a bear. Just as long as they stay a good distance away, I'll be happy if I see any of them.

I had something else kind of fun happen. I have been putting the old sunflower heads on the fence for the birds and I noticed a squirrel munching on one today so I managed to get a few shots of him before he went running away. They know I am not too fond of them, they eat my tomatoes, but they sure are cute. So I enjoyed him for a bit while I knew he was not wreaking havoc in the garden. The first picture, he is munching away and the second picture is him stopping to look at me with a seed hanging out of his mouth!

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