Tuesday, January 1, 2008


Well today was a very productive day. The night before last I was tired and still could not get to sleep so I lay in bed and grabbed a pencil and a piece of paper and began to doodle. I had ideas that came to mind for some new cases and little did I know that it really pays off to draw every once in awhile. I do manage to do that occasionally but most of the time my ideas never form on paper, they just come to me as I am standing amongst the folded stacks of colorful fabrics and leather. I do get that moment at times and I am thinking of a great idea and then at that very moment everything must stop as I look for something to write with before the idea fades.
Maybe I should doodle more before bed, it might just help me start my day off on a more productive note.
You can see I have been into hearts for some silly reason but I kind of like them don't you?

I love how the green one came out. and in case you were wondering, no I don't ever sleep. I could sew 24 hours a day and be happy!

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