Monday, August 4, 2008

A Day At Emerald Bay

Went to Emerald Bay in Lake Tahoe yesterday. It was a beautiful hike down to the Vikingsholm Castle. The weather was perfect and so many people were out. Lots and lots of boats!!! I attempted to swim but the water is really really cold. I am not sure it ever really warms up so it is more refreshing than anything. But it was fun to watch all the kids jump into the water off the docks and giant trampoline and I had the opportunity to relax and sit on the beach for a couple hours. The walk back up was a good climb and the waterfalls that were off the side of the trail were so beautiful. I took a few shots of flowers on the way back up.

The deadline for one of the handbag contests I am entering is approaching fast so I will be really busy this week.

1 comment:

Tiffany said...

I found you through a lovely comment you made on my blog recently (thank you!) and I LOVE your work!!! I'm going to Etsy right now to see what you're selling :)


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