Sunday, February 14, 2010

"Heart Purse Giveaway"

Happy Valentines Day!

To celebrate today, I am giving away 3 of these cute red heart corset style coin purses today to my readers and followers. You can enter to win at any time; it doesn't have to be today. I will give them to the first 3 people to leave a comment on this post telling me "What Valentines Day means to them" or "How they plan on spending the day" It's that easy!

* * * Important when entering to win. I need a valid e-mail address linking to your blog or post in your comment.This is so I can contact you later to get an address to send your purse to. If you don't feel comfortable leaving your e-mail here please e-mail me direct at after posting your comment ~ Thanks


  1. Valentine's Day meaning to me is the expression and celebration of love for another. We see the signs everywhere in banners, poster hearts and balloons, to name a few. But where did love come from? Love came from God above, through His son Jesus, sent to us to draw us near Him. When we love our husbands, wives or significant others, we draw them near to us, in the same way. On Valentine's (and any day), we want our loved one to be the center of our affection and love. On this special day, we give of ourselves in a self-less expression of emotion in a variety of ways, creative or not. So express, celebrate and send love emotions. Happy Valentine's Day everyone!

  2. Wow! I still have 2 purses left:) Leave a comment to receive one.
